super bowl takeover

brand: Perrier

idea: Let’s face it. The actual Super Bowl game isn’t the most exciting part of the day. The food, drinks, and memes are. Perrier wanted us to take over the Twittersphere for the day in an unexpected way.

War Room.png
Shying Away.gif

social: We decided to push the boundaries in how we work with a quick-paced social media war room. We live-tweeted the game & engaged with users play-by-play to make their experience even more extraordinary.

We took over Perrier’s channel to interact with fans and create memorable content that tied back to culture. And we might’ve thrown a little shade here and there too…


results: We created 30+ pieces of unique content & responded 200+ times to users. In the end, we built tons of awareness. 7.15 MM impressions, 5 MM reach, 1.4 frequency.